At a stage without a specific time in marital life, certain things could make you to dislike your spouse. And when this happen you will see your spouse wearing another face. He is no longer appealing to you like before. You don.t want to see his face any more. You feel like walking away and stay separately. Your thought is perhaps you can find happiness in another place. Do not go to the extreme,it could be out of reaction. Well people react to issues differently, depending on the nature and circumstances
You need to consider this as a challenge, one of those that are peculiar to marital life. But it can change to become a serious problem if one is not careful enough. Your approach is important to determine the courses of the problem and who is responsible. It is only when you have answer to this question that you can take a good course to resolve the issue.
However if the problem is traceable to you, then the problem is solved. This is possible because some people may not disclose to you that they are not happy for one reason or the other. You will only see them changing character in an unusual manner. People are of different reactions to issues. Study your spouse to know how he react to issues
When you offend some people. they will not tell you and you will not notice this in their faces. This category of person often bottled up grievances for another day. When they are over bearing, little offence will spark it up and they will make reference to the other day. Another type of people will decide not to talk to you, instead of telling you how they feel about your character. Generally the best are those who open up and react to issues without delay. This kind of people are easily provoked. They promptly react and, immediately put everything to rest.
With the foregoing explanation you can now see that our spouses are not usually responsible for some wrongs. Our behaviour sometime determine the way our partner, consequently, react to issues. There are certain words we use against our spouses that often annoy them . But because they are not speaking out does not mean that they are not nursing it in their mind. For instance a man told his wife that she does not cook well like his friend’s wife. This statement upset the woman, though she didn’t say a word. But she was very bitter. Unfortunately the man did not know that his utterances did not go down well with his spouse. And since she did not in any way reacted, the man did not offer any apology. For this reason she hated her spouse and it reflects in her character.
Eventually the man noticed changes in her character, but could not trace what was responsible.
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