Managing marital privacy is relevant to the sound and healthy relationship between husband and wife. And as such, it explains the significance behind the need to fence out or instead prevent any act of intrusion. Therefore, protection of your privacy rest on your ability to fortify the mutual dealing between you and your spouse. Maintaining absolute privacy is the responsibility of both parties in marriage. Any act of carelessness to effect necessary protection would open passage for intruders. An element with insidious intent to sow discord. Importantly, preserving your precious relationship depends on how to prevent marital intruders from encroaching on your privacy.
An intruder in this context is a person who, uninvitedly or carelessly, enters into a marital affair of another couple. Unfortunately, an intruder can emerge from anywhere. It doesn’t matter the extent of friendship. At the same time, that does not rule out the good character among friends and families. Knowing their style is germane to preventing them in the first place. You can’t deal with them in abstract. An any rate, it is your absolute duty to point out an intruder among your friends and associate. Irrespective of the gender, intruders have the same trait. A typical trespasser usually has a strong eagerness to encroach into another person’s privacy. For this singular act, it is necessary to decode their activities early enough. Otherwise, they infiltrate and cause damages to your marital affair. Be aware, they take advantage of cracks in the marital wall. As such, how to prevent marital intruders is critical. Protecting our marriage is fundamental to our relationship.
Impact of intruder on a marriage
The activities of intruders usually have a direct effect on marriage. And it can be somewhat difficult to discover, especially where he/she is a friend or a family member. Intruders emanating among friend are more insidious as it can be somewhat difficult to suspect them. All it requires is the ability to have limitation. A level you don’t permit friends to go beyund in your marital affair. Knowing which discussion to entertain is important to keep your privacy in shape. In another faction, intruding can be a deliberate act or innocently carried out. In any capacity, the consequence is the same and can be so devastating to the existing relationship. You have to be on guide to prevent all manner of intruding activities. Allowing to strick before looking for remedy is amount to carelessness. Carefulness is the watchword. Sadly, intrusion can lead straight to acute misunderstanding and, eventually snowball into a divorce. However, to restrict potential intruders is important. Above all, how to prevent marital intruders is the key.
How to know an intruder
Identifying an intruder is the beginning of his/her prevention. You might need to step up effort to uncover her identity. Usually, intruders are distinguished for their pretending nature. Highly deserptive character. Of course, they are of common trait. Their malicious nature is often shaded with acute dissemblance. Basically, intruders move with intention to cause disharmony between a couple. However, the following are some noticeable features through which they can be known.
In most cases, intruders usually fall within the category of friends and family. And sometimes can be external.
An intruder is commonly inquisitive. He wants to know everything about your family. A typical intruder is fond of asking many questions.
Anyone who steadily discredits your spouse is an intruder. The essence is to bring down your partner and disclose his/her deficiency.
An intruder is usually careless in his/her judgement. Often he takes sides at any time he has an opportunity to mediate between husband and wife.
His statements are inflammatory in nature, capable of igniting annoyance on the part of either of the couple.
Notwithstanding the above-mentioned elements, some people are naturally careless in their dealings with other couples.
Guarding against intruders and their activities
A joint effort of the two parties is necessary to, actively, work against intruders and their activities. Husband and wife must agree on how to prevent marital intruders. It can be difficult. At times efforts are discharged in futility, should couple fails to agree on a common terms. Notwithstanding the closeness, anyone with the act got to be treated as one capable of sowing discord in an existing relationship. Guiding against intruders can be effective when you have better understanding of their trait and lifestyle.
Know your friend’s interests and disposition. This provides you with the opportunity to understand her manner of person.
Be careful to discuss issues that are, extremely, private to your relationship. Avoid discussing with a third party; on issues that are peculiar and exclusive to your relationship.
Restrict private discussion in your closet. Never discuss certain marital issues in the presence of visitors.
Avoid unnecessary closeness with your spouse’s friends. Knowing what to discuss is important.
Minimise incessant complaints about your spouse’s inadequacy. Your spouse’s short comings can be handled internally. However, where it becomes necessary then, minimize it.
Limit the rate of reporting your spouse to your neighbours. Though the need for this can occasionally arise, you must be careful not to divulge secret.
Learn to resolve marital issues without a third party. Certain marital issues are not meant for a third party.
Confine visitors to your Living room/visitors’ room. Never create the habit of disrespecting your privacy by inviting people into your closet.
Minimise requests for financial support. The act can always reduce your personalty. So, it requires good understanding of the sources and the human nature behind such source.
Be proactive in all marital issues, in order to prevent degeneration.
Exploit marital communication.