Some men choose to hang out, not because it is their original lifestyle. They see it as an effective option to avoid domestic violence. Such men are emotionally down. They need relief or respite from an unpleasant situation. Many a time, some homes are characterized by violence resulting from misunderstanding and other domestic reasons. Therefore, managing domestic violence is necessary. Certain unfriendly situations are quite inevitable. But what is, really, important is your ability to study your spouse’s character. The rules of the game are simple. Let your spouse know the reason why you choose to act in a particular manner. Communication, in this case, becomes relevant. To a large extent, domestic violence is one of the reasons why some men hang out. Though some hang out for social reasons.
Generally, no marriage is free of misunderstanding. But where maturity and discipline reign, the parties involved handle marital issues better.
In most cases, real men don’t wait to exchange violent words with their spouses. Instead, they walk away and find a place to obtain respite. They avoid having unnecessary altercations with their partners.
Reasons for hanging out
In some homes where misunderstanding often occurs, a man can excuse himself. All it requires is to leave the vicinity, while your partner is angrily reacting to issues. Under normal circumstances, the tension would have come down by the time you return. To a greater extent, the idea is far better than to engage in combat with your spouse. The following are reasons for hangout
- To avoid domestic violence – Men, casually, walk away to avoid certain marital disagreements that can lead to fights.
- A way to excuse boring homes – Unfortunately, some homes are quite boring. One may occasionally want to retire to a more lively arena.
- Couples occasionally hang out for social reasons. – They get refreshed by hanging out together.
- To burn out stress – Hanging out is a way of burning stress after each day’s activities. People occasionally find a cool place to relax in order to refresh themselves. This accounts for the reason why some men hang out.
- Friends influence – Friends and associates are major contributors. The character and style of friends have a greater influence on their associates
- Lifestyle – Hanging out is a way of life for some men. A considerable number of men living in the cities are fond of relaxing with friends. You see men, often, in designated places relaxing with friends.
- To avoid responsibility – Sadly, we have men who deliberately refuse to come home on time. Their hanging out is an adopted way of running from responsibility.
Effects of hanging out on marriage
- Not a good alternative action for settling marriage conflict. Ordinarily, hanging out is a temporary measure to douse tension in the house. You simply avoid conflict by walking away.
- Unless the issue is immediately addressed the likelihood of engaging in another hangout is sure.
- It leads to character change in marital life. The chance of being influenced by the people one met with is high.
- There is the possibility of unfaithfulness if the location he often retires to is not decent.
- It has a direct effect on the finance. Usually, money spent on such places is not budgeted for.
- Hanging out for too long can lead to doubt and can damage the existing trust.
Steps to minimize hanging out in marriage
Resolving disputes between husband and wife is more beneficial. Irrespective of the benefits accrued to hang out, something is still missing. One of the parties will, possibly, be suffering in silence. Therefore, avoiding any act of assault is good, but love and peace are better reinstated in time. Steps to minimize hanging out:
- Determine why your spouse chooses to hang out alone – First, find out the reason behind his action. This gives you a forehand insight into the next line of action.
- Find out who is responsible for the action – To know whose fault is necessary. The cause can either be your spouse or yourself. In any case, take appropriate action.
- Take corrective steps – Adjust your way if you notice that the whole fault lies on you.
- Adopt communication as a tool to resolve marital issues – Seek your spouse’s attention. and lunch a discussion with a view to resolving the issue. In the process, more revelations will be made open as to why he chose to hang out.
- If your spouse is at fault, never hesitate to put it across to him. In this case, be open and let him know your feelings. You won’t get it straight unless you analyse issues. All for the purpose of resolving marital issues without a third party.