Securing loan is not out of place but it should be invested on a venture that is for sure, capable of paying back.
Avoid loan that is devoid of potential to yield gain.However where loan is secured essentially for investment, it is due to pay back. Possible at a reasonable period of time depending on the agreement. A low risk loan is usually advisable among other factors. When investment fails on account of inability of a business to service and pay back loan, then problem has ensued. Usually when it happens, the effect on the capital can be so devastating if appropriate measure is not effected.
The cumulative consequences of this is on the shoulder of the owner of the business. Apparently he is in debt. Depending on the amount involved, while struggling to come out of the problem, blood pressure may set in. And if this happens he losses control on the business and this immediately affect his household. The situation now resulted into two problems. First the problem of health and second the debt. He must contend with the two issues.
So, how does he go about these problems. …………?