It is quite unfortunate to observe a young woman no longer attractive. Because she was a nursing mother. She was too occupied by this activities. And after sometimes she became worn-out, thereby older than her age. I later discovered that, that was her first child. A baby boy. So she didn’t have time for herself. Because she was a nursing mother. A nursing mother, at all time, must avoid appearing older than her age. Then what is the responsibility of a mother?
Responsibilities of a nursing mother
It is the responsibility of a mother to give birth and to nurse the baby. Particularly in this arrangement. She does not only nurse the baby. There are other house hold duties she must carry out. If she fails in one aspect, it will definitely affect others. In this case, she has to maximize her time efficiently. However where the job is becoming too much, then assistance is required. Assistance in this case can be from the spouse. Sometimes house help.
As a young woman, who still have a long way to go in marital. It is appropriate to have a work plan. This will guide her in how to perform with dispatch. With this idea lot more will be done as scheduled. This way she would not experience much stress. It is improper to appear older than your age. Because you are a nursing mother. Some young women do dress like old people. It is wrong, for it is not a crime to nurse a baby.
Remember that while a woman is taking care of her baby. She needs to look in the direction of her spouse. The man also needs to be taken care of. So the woman must be good enough to carryout this assignment as appropriate. To be a nursing mother is one, to play your role as a wife is another. You have good right to call your spouse foe help. Particularly where it becomes necessary. When you show understanding love gets stronger.
Above all she must not forget herself. She needs to appear neat and attractive. Her spouse will be happy seeing her fit and elegant. Efforts must be intensified to carryout your household duties. Without necessarily affecting your appearance. Your appearance matters most.
A good reason why your spouse will always prefer you, is to do what will ATTRACT HIM. Beyond attraction, it is a necessary concept to always decent.