Be nice to all creatures including snakes, the reward for doing so is quite wonderful. Doing good to your enemy or a notorious wicked person is not a waste. Rather, an investment towards shaping and creating a pedestrian for some people to follow. When you successfully accomplish this, you have in a way sowed a good seed. Therefore what it takes to be a nice man is everything without selfishness . Show goodness towards everyone including your enemy.
A woman put a bowl full of water out side, for her goats in a dry season. But surprisingly her husband returned from his animals hunting work without success. However, he discovered that among other animals, snake was also struggling to drink water from the bowl. Of course, what he has gone to look for in the bush were already at home waiting for his arrival. Irrespective of how bad somebody can be, when he is in dear need of help do not hesitate. Everyone needs help.
if you are freely disposed to help others at whatever capacity, help will always be there for you. Let doing good be your hobby and see how candle will bring light when there is power outage. The understanding of the wicked one is shallow, for he does not know what it takes to be a good man. The title is not for the stingy, for he always believe everything is for him alone. The much of assistance you render determines the extent of reward that accrued to you. Everyone is in need, including you.
Because, no one has enough. So when you give out from the little you have to the needy, you are serving humanity. Purely you are saving. because what goes round must come round. Always do your best to assist somebody in need. All helps rendered are kept. A spiritual weapon in times of need
My name is Muyideen Elemoro. I am a Nigerian from Ibeju -Lekki Local government in Lagos State. I reside in Abuja, Nigeria.
I am a retired Civil Servant. Presently, I am a marketer and Blogger.
Essentially I write on marital and other related issues. I engage, as a part-time, in Marriage seminar and other related issues.