Nigeria is most likely to face Food insecurity in 2022 As Farmers are continuously facing deadly attack in their respective farm. This is due to the insurgence and other activities. The influence of which consistently sending active farmers out of their working place. And displacement of people who are naturally farmers. They are likely to remain helpless until succour finally arrives. It implies that, farmers are unceremoniously denied of their legitimate right to work.
Unfortunately while some farmers are forced out of their farms. Some are faced with the threat that it might soon be their turn. And this makes them to be more afraid. Thereby they become disturbed and work under terrible fear.. This simply means that they are not working at a full capacity. For instance if a group of farmers could successfully produce 400 bags of Soya beans under normal circumstances. A situation like this may reduce their efforts to like 100 bags. Showing that there is a problem. And as such the expected output will, obviously be smaller than normal. Hence Nigeria may face food insecurity in 2022.
In other parts of the nation where insecurity is not as severe, still no farmer will want to take the risk. The nature of which no one can tell. So the situation of insecurity also has implication on the area with lesser threat. Farmers are likely to be more jittery to go to their farms. The confidence is no longer there. Things have gradually changed from normal. With this scenario, their zeal is somehow affected. And this will reduce their performance. Definitely the out put will drop from what it was last year.
So the consequence of all these will have a reflection on the supply of food stuff. The quantity supply due to the situation will rather be less. And not sufficient to satisfy the demand. Therefore two things come to play:
=1= Scarcity of foodstuff all over the nation
=2= Available foodstuff will be too expensive to purchase
However, with the above experiment one can sincerely affirm that there is problem. So if the situation is not improved to give farmers necessary support. The likelihood of farmers not willing to go back to the farm is sure. For available foodstuff will not be sufficient to meet the demand.
Therefore to forestall food insecurity in 2022, government needs to intensify efforts in this direction. This will, of course, strengthen farmers confidence. As no one would want to take the risk of being kidnapped. It is in record that farmers were attacked in various locations across the nation.
My name is Muyideen Elemoro. I am a Nigerian from Ibeju -Lekki Local government in Lagos State. I reside in Abuja, Nigeria.
I am a retired Civil Servant. Presently, I am a marketer and Blogger.
Essentially I write on marital and other related issues. I engage, as a part-time, in Marriage seminar and other related issues.